Home » Projects » Completed Projects » Martakert Development Project
The Cattle Breeding Project is implemented in 4 Villages (Tchankatagh, Mokhratagh, Talish, Vardadzor) of the Martakert region of Nagorno-Karabagh Republic. This region of the newly independent Nagorno-Karabagh Republic was specifically selected for this project due to the harsh socio-economic conditions faced by the people who live in this region and its close position to the border with Azerbaijan.

In the villages of Tchankatagh, Mokhratagh, Talish, Vardadzor a total of 58 resource poor families received gravid heifers to build their own household economies and overcome the socio-economic hardships after the devastating military conflict with Azerbaijan. The families received also training in cattle breeding and farm management.

Another 58 families joined the project by receiving gravid heifers as pass-ons from their community members. As a result, a total of 116 families eventually benefited from the inputs and resources provided through the project.