Armenia–Georgia Program
Home » Projects » Completed Projects » Armenia–Georgia Cross-border Cooperation
The Armenia–Georgia Cross-border Cooperation project helps resource poor families in three Armenian villages (Sevkar, Berqaber, Kirants) and two Georgian villages (Tsiteli Sopeli and Orjonikidze) establish their own family farms by providing a heifer to 12 families in each village (60 families total).

In addition to the gift of a heifer, the project provides participants with the necessary theoretic and practical trainings on advanced farm and animal management, as well as technical assistance (vet medicine), to establish and run their own small scale farms.

After a three year period, the original recipient families pass on the gift of 60 heifers of good quality, as well as received knowledge, to another 60 families in the same villages. With the financial assistance of Heifer International, adults of different ages and genders are able to run their own agribusiness farms, and participate in agricultural trainings and community meetings, thereby increasing food production, improving nutrition and ensuring food diversity.

In FY 2008, two regional meetings were organized in Georgia and Armenia for all active project participants, in which the participants shared their experiences in agriculture, exchanged best practices, learnt about new advanced farming practices, as well as practiced tolerance in a multiethnic environment.