Virtual College: Learn HoT from Real Life
HoT Virtual College (“Learn HoT from real Life”)is the first component of the HoT Academy. It aims to accelerate the personal and professional development of 200 talented young people to build the hospitality industry of tomorrow in the Tavush and Gegharkunik regions. To do this, they participate in an innovative training program that provides the necessary hard and soft skills to improve income opportunities through employment and entrepreneurship. During this course programme, participants will acquire hard and soft skills to improve their employability and take up sustainable employment in three roles: as an employee, as an employer and as a self-employed person. They will also receive guidance on how and in what direction to continue their education and professional development.
What powers the HoT concept?
The concept of the training program was developed by the Development Principles NGO based on the needs identified from the implementation of entrepreneurship and hospitality related projects (e.g. CERTOUR, EXCELTOUR, SEAG), baseline study (here) of the 545 young adults aged 16-35 years from Tavush and Gegharkunik regions (implemented by Civitta Armenia) and various focus groups and round tables. As a result the HoT Virtual College (“Learn HoT from Real Life”) educational program is piloted with 7 HoT Modules
The first 5 Modules comprise the Career Readiness Track. The last 2 Modules comprise the Entrepreneurship Readiness Track.
- Digital Literacy
- Communication Literacy
- Communication in Foreign Language
- Financial Literacy (Basic Economics)
- Legal Literacy
- Hospitality Fundamentals
- Entrepreneurship Literacy
Why to Apply?
Reason #1: Only HoT Students will have access to the “Virtual College: Learn HoT from real Life” education program, which is a journey through 7 Modules led by experienced companies and individual influencers. They will guide HoT Students through the educational videos, interesting and self-assessing quizzes, interactive face-to-face workshops and other capacity building initiatives. As a result of assessment HoT Graduates will receive certificates of completion of 7 Modules. The program will pilot September 2022.
Reason #2: Only HoT Graduates will have access to the Act#2. Make HoT Career Happen! education program, where we will support competitive and proactive young adults to excel in specific careers through deep instruction and practical exposures. Starts from 2023.
Reason #3: Only HoT Graduates will have access to the Act#3. Make HoT Idea Happen! incubation program, where we will support competitive business ideas of entrepreneurially mature young adults with mentorship, seed-funding and access to new partners. Start HoT! starts from 2023. Grow HoT! starts from 2024.
Reason #4: Only HoT Graduates will have access to the Act#4. Learn from the HoT Host Portal! education program, where we will develop and operationalize career and entrepreneurial partnerships between the private sector and young adults through provision of quarterly shadowing and career speed dating rounds. Starts from 2023.