The "7 Paths" Project

The “7 Paths” project is the psychoeducational component of the “Menq & Moonq” humanitarian program. It includes a ten-episode YouTube podcast of the same name and a free interactive self-care workbook. The project’s goal is to support displaced people from Artsakh and overall Armenians in navigating challenging life stages, overcoming crises, adapting to new realities, and discovering new paths to continue living and creating.

The first two episodes of the podcast focus on crises and ways to overcome them. The following seven episodes are dedicated to the seven chapters—paths—of the self-regulation workbook, helping listeners engage with it more effectively.  The final episode summarizes the journey taken.

The interactive self-care workbook “7 Paths” consists of seven chapters: “I Breathe”, “I Am Present”, “My Body”, “My Life Now”, “Calm/Safety”, “The Other” and “I Exist”. Each chapter concludes with psychological exercises and Q&A sections designed to make the material easier to understand and apply. The accompanying podcast offers practical explanations and demonstrations of these exercises and techniques. You can download the “7 Paths” interactive self-care workbook for free here.


  • You can print the workbook and work directly on it—write, erase, and use it as you wish.
  • Alternatively, you can use your notebook while treating the workbook as a resource.
  • As you work through the workbook, you can listen to the podcast episodes in order.

The “7 Paths” podcast is hosted by Narek Amirkhanyan, founder and host of the re:arrange podcast and co-founder of the Lifelong Learners platform, in conversation with clinical psychologists Nare Grigoryan (workbook author) and Anna Evdokimova (workbook editor).

The full “7 Paths” podcast is available on the official YouTube channel of Development Principles NGO.

The Menq & Moonq program is financed by the  German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) in partnership with Sign of Hope (SoH). The project is implemented by the Development Principles NGO.