As a vivid flare, the second European Rural Youth Parliament (ERYP) has issued a Declaration that states 10 calls for action regarding the most urgent challenges faced by young Europeans. The document represents issues and specific steps that must be taken by decision-makers and fellow youth to make rural a better place for living. It is a result of various networking and opinions-gathering activities carried out during the past 2 years and the event as the culmination bringing together more than 70 young professionals from 16 countries.

The main wish of youth is to be able to have an equal dialogue with the decision-makers which is rooted in understanding. Youth is not only demanding and calling for action on decision-makers or waiting for their challenges to be solved by someone else. In fact, all the youth, gathered in the Rural Youth Parliament, are already putting a lot of effort to improve the life of their communities and to be equal partner in the movement of European Rural Parliament.

Young people may be ready to remain in or move into rural areas to take responsibility as farmers, rural entrepreneurs or citizens for the future wellbeing of rural economies and communities if supportive policies, measures and systems create a favourable environment. This includes access to high-quality public services and housing, a standards-compliant infrastructure and connectivity, diverse opportunities for economic activities, and the promotion of sustainable farming and food system. Full Declaration is available here: Now the outcome of the second European Rural Youth parliament will be put in use for raising awareness about sustainable rural development. In January 2020, youth representatives will meet with European stakeholders in Brussels to discuss about current policies, how they can be improved for the next planning period to respect the needs of the rural youth and to take actions accordingly, empowering role of youth in European level policymaking process.

Young people may be ready to remain in or move into rural areas to take responsibility as farmers, rural entrepreneurs or citizens for the future wellbeing of rural economies and communities if supportive policies, measures and systems create a favourable environment. This includes access to high-quality public services and housing, a standards-compliant infrastructure and connectivity, diverse opportunities for economic activities, and the promotion of sustainable farming and food system. Full Declaration is available here:

Now the outcome of the second European Rural Youth parliament will be put in use for raising awareness about sustainable rural development. In January 2020, youth representatives will meet with European stakeholders in Brussels to discuss about current policies, how they can be improved for the next planning period to respect the needs of the rural youth and to take actions accordingly, empowering role of youth in European level policymaking process.


ERYP is organised by Latvian Rural Forum (Latvia), Red Asturiana de Desarrollo Rural (Spain), Centre for Economic and Rural Development (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Croatian Rural Development Network (Croatia), International Movement of Catholic Agricultural and Rural Youth – Europe (pan-European), LAGs in Vysocina Region (Czech Republic), Network of Organizations for Rural Development of Kosovo, Rural Development Network of The Republic of Macedonia (North Macedonia), Slovak Rural Parliament (Slovakia) and Forum Synergies (pan-European).



Latvian Rural Forum

The project “The best is yet to come. Youth create tomorrows’ rural reality from village to wider Europe” is financed with the support of European Commission’s “Erasmus+: Youth in Action” administered in Latvia by the Agency for International Programs for Youth. This publication reflects only the author’s views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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